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Little Communications

IMG_20150929_052326634Sitting in an international airport for ten hours helps bring perspective to this journey Lydia and I are undertaking.  I’ve been people watching, first in Montreal and now in Munich, as individuals engage each other in a variety of languages.  Here, in a world where people forge communication through gestures, expressions, and snippets of shared language there is always a light in someone’s eye when the intended connection is made.  Humans are bound together in communication, and this is a trait we get from our Creator.  I like to think there is a similar light in God’s eye when he successfully gets through to us.  He experiences a tiny joy when he connects with His creation, and we, likewise experience that thrill of understanding and being understood.  We are bound to Him through the love of Jesus, and He, the almighty creator of the earth, is excited and happy to know us as well.


Maybe it only makes sense right now because of jetlag, but, I’m incredibly excited about this opportunity to be a part of connecting God to His people through language.  In John’s gospel, Jesus is quoted as saying:

 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.”

God is speaking to us, and in these words is joy.  God wants all of us to experience the joy of knowing him, connecting with him, and feeling His love.  Just like when a language barrier is broken and humans experience joy with one another, God is working to break the barriers which keep Him from communication to us.  Lydia and I get to be a part of this work through teaching, training, and helping bring the words of God alive to people who have never heard His voice in their language or experienced His love way in a way they could easily identify!

Please pray for us as we learn to speak love to foreign peoples even when there is a language barrier, to listen to God even when our hearts falter or are dark, and to successfully join God in the work He is already doing in the hearts of the peoples we meet.

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