In the Bible’s Book of Acts, we are told about a group of men and women who gathered together to wait for a promise. They fiercely believed that their divine teacher was more than a man, and that he was a part of God Himself. This godman had left them, but before He left, he promised that he would give to his faithful followers authority, and power, and favor. So, they waited—faithfully—altogether, in the upstairs room of a house.
This promise was answered when a sound like a hurricane shook the foundations of the house, and while they marveled at this occurrence, they felt a power, like fire, ignite each of them as they were filled with purpose. Their minds became alight with wisdom and passion, and having no other recourse, they rushed to the streets to share this knowledge with everyone in the city. As they spoke, they found they were able to speak fluently in other languages and their minds were filled with a new understanding of life on this earth. In this ancient city—a meeting place for countless cultures and languages—all who were present heard these truths in their own languages. But…even in the face of an undeniable miracle, many simply scoffed, called them drunkards, and discounted them as the dregs of society.
However, God’s intention was made clear. He wanted all people, everywhere, to hear and understand His truth. If you continue to read this Book of Acts, you find that these faithful followers sparked a revolution of thought and practice which challenged oppressive powers and authority. In response to mockery, they answered with patient gentleness. In the face of imprisonment and punishment, they thanked God in song and prayer. In the midst of hunger, they sold their land to share their wealth. In the presence of the darkness of hate, bigotry, vengeance, and death, they were as beacons of light—using love, charity, and truth to point people towards a new Way of Life. This small group not only changed their city, but they changed the world with a message of hope and love.
And all of this started with a simple, clear, and understandable truth, spoken in every person’s heart language–
“everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
That was nearly 2,000 years ago…and amazingly, this message of hope is still true today.
I dare to believe that God’s intention for people everywhere to hear His truth in their own language has not changed. He wants people to hear and understand about His love in clear and meaningful ways. Even then, during the birth of Christianity, God worked in mysterious ways. His will was sometimes accomplished through unbelievable miracles, and sometimes through the sweat, blood, and tears of those who walked the Way of Jesus Christ.
I am joyful and feel hugely blessed that I get to work with people who are carrying on this ancient and amazing work of God. God gifted humanity with access to the truth, and He gave us the responsibility to share this truth with the entire world—in every way possible. The mother-tongue translators who are working tirelessly to translate the Scriptures into their own languages are amongst the true heroes of our faith. These are men and women who have dedicated their lives to being beacons of light in very dark places. Not only do the published texts of the Bible help shape their communities, but the translators themselves become powerful voices of truth and love. Like those witnesses of the early church, they are introducing people from many tribes and tongues to a new way of life in Jesus. They bring truth in a way that helps to challenge religious oppression, wrongful authority, and cultural repression–a Way that can bring life to our entire world.