Goma Women’s Leadership Institute Reponse

EMIT received the following letter from a woman who attended a Women’s Leadership Institute in the Democratic Republic of Congo.  We have removed her name, but are leaving the letter and picture exactly as it was received.  It is amazing to see God working in the lives of people of whom we have the great privilege and blessing of serving.

pastor_story_drcI am Pastor of a Local Church in Goma / DR CONGO
Born of a family of a Polygamist of 7 children whose mother was the first woman.
I was born normally but at the age of two I got sick. Hospitalized I went out healed but paralyzed. At the age of 8 I was given a pair of sticks to help me walk but I did not understand why I had to use the pads while the others walk normally. I had revolted against my mother and thought she was at the base of my misfortune.
I felt hurt in my heart. My wound was aggravated by my father who did not want me to continue my studies like the other children because he said that I am handicapped and that I will do nothing in my life.
At 16, I was raped by a young boy who took me by force and I had the pregnancy. After the boy rinsed me and rejected, but also my family rejected me. A feeling of despair and rejection settled in me and I quickly realized that I do not have any reason for which I am rejected by all. I am coming to the point of wanting to commit suicide.
From this pregnancy I gave birth to two twins, one is dead and the other is alive and finished her university studies is already married.
I started to develop cardiovascular diseases and permanent tensions because of the combination of these factors.
One day I received Jesus Christ in my life and the Pastor had asked me to forgive all those who have done me wrong. It was difficult for me to do so and I continued to suffer in my Heart.
One day I had been talked about an institution called EMIT WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE in Goma and I got registered.
I followed the first courses on:
1. Introduction to Leadership
2. Gender Theory
3. Life Plan
I felt that I was worth somehow  before God’s sight.
This second session when I learned courses such as
1. The Emotional Trauma
2. Understanding the Bible
3. The Kingdom of God
♦ I felt that I have value before God as well as in society
♦ I learned through these teachings, the hope of life in the coming kingdom and even in the present, and I learned that there will be no paralytics in heaven and we will all have our faculties Physical and moral.
♦ I learned from the course on Emotional Trauma the cause of my reactions and developed diseases having raciness in the past injuries. I was totally healed because I quickly realized my worth before God and my importance in society. Thanks to EMIT and its leaders who thought of designing such teachings. The eastern part of Congo has suffered fratricidal wars and many women like me have suffered many traumas. Those kind of teachings are needed  for our complete healing.
Thank you

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